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Showing posts with label Life and Style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life and Style. Show all posts

The Balancing Act Webinar

What we’ll cover in this event...

Tackling Limiting Beliefs
Learn about limiting beliefs and how are they stopping you from manifesting your greatness.

Activating Your Network
Your network is greater and more divine then you realize. Learn how to tap in to help you reach your goals faster.

Maximize Your Time 
Spend less time spinning your wheels by using proven strategies to reach your goals more effectively

And more...


Plan to Maximize 2019!

When people find out all of the things that I do (being a single mom,working a nine-to-five having a successful business, getting my Ph.D), they often asked how I get it all done. One of the keys to my success is planning. Many years ago my Life Coach, Stephanie Alva, said something in one of my sessions that stuck with me. She said "If it isn’t on your calendar, it won’t happen." This became true for me for not just scheduling events, but also setting goals, and manifesting. My motto has become "Write it down and make it happen."

I recently did a video where I showed you my favorite planner, the Passion Planner, and how I will be planning my 2019. 

There are tons of planners, calendars and journals out there. If you are interested in printing or purchasing your own , click the link to receive 10% off coupon to use toward your first purchase of $30 or more.  Also, the Hustle cover is still available through Amazon. You can also get the paper punch and expander disks through Amazon.com
Danielle LePorte, author of Desire Map, also offers a Desire Map Planner with awesome soul searching prompt is designed to help you plan your day with more intention and soul. My friend, Melissa Vernon of Marketing with Mel, uses the Momentum Planner. It allows you to break goals up into daily, weekly, quarterly, and monthly action items

Maximizing 2019 begins with establishing a plan for the year. Figure out which planner, calendar or journal method works best for you and begin planning your success.   

*Some affiliate links are included. Remember: Supporting these links supports this blog! 

Forgiveness ~ Stop Waiting For An Apology

Today, my prayer was focussed specifically on forgiveness. As I prayed, I acknowledged to God that a person never apologized to me. This is what I felt in my spirit...  

Stop waiting for an apology. Forgiveness does not require an apology from the person who has offended or hurt you. Forgiveness is an internal process. It starts and ends within you. 

Sometimes the apology you hear is merely a form of manipulation. The person is telling you they are sorry just to tell you what you want to hear. It is only to pacify you. They aren’t really apologetic for what they've done. They are just doing what they feel they need to do to get themselves back into their "position" in your life. They are using the words they believe you want to hear to manipulate you.

A verbal apology does not necessarily mean the person regrets their action. Words and action must match to make an apology meaningful. With or without these words, you can begin the process of healing and forgiveness. Forgiveness is not really for that person anyway.

Yes, it may feel good when we apologize to someone and they accept our apologies. But when you are the person who has been offended, forgiveness does not have to begin when the apology is received. You don't have to wait for it. You can begin forgiveness today. And I say begin today, because forgiveness is a process. The feelings you have of anger and or resentment may come up again. And when they do you forgive again. 

Forgiveness does not mean the person gets to reclaim the space they held in your life before. Sometimes forgiveness can come with standards and boundaries. Meaning in my heart,you no longer hold what that person has done against them. However, they no longer have the same position they had in your life before the issue. You make a conscious decision to love that person from a distance. 

This is especially true for abusive and toxic relationships. It is absolutely okay to forgive and walk away. You do not have to put yourself back in the position to be hurt again physically or emotionally. However, what you do have to do is release those feelings of anger and resentment in your heart. The only person it's really hurting is you. 

Let It Go. Release the baggage and watch how high are you sore without that burden weighing you down.

After prayer & writing, I made myself a cup of Yogi Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy Tea and this message was attached to my tea bag. 

"People who love are forgiving."

#Yogi #Tea #Ministry #YogiTeaMinistry

Written 6/24/18

Vlogmas Day 7 | Host: Dr. Qui

Dr. Qui's last day of Vlogmas. Dr. Qui and Sisi show you they're Friday night dinner. Dr. Qui answers the question from the bowl "Why do you do what you do?"

Vlogmas Day 6 | Host: Dr. Qui

Dr. Qui peaks in on choir rehearsal at New Mount Pleasant. She also answers today's question "What would you do differently if you could have a redo?"

Vlogmas Day 5 | Host: Dr. Qui

Dr. Qui shows us her Wednesday work day and sits with her Uncle, Deacon Lester Jones , as he explains the Virtual Temple Agape Feast. Dr. Qui answers the questions "What does empowerment mean to you?"

Vlogmas Day 4 | Host: Dr. Qui

After a long day, Dr. Qui sits down to answer questions from the bowl. Todays question, "How do you give credit to someone when credit is due?" At the end of the, check out footage of Dr. Qui and SiSi picking up Bentley Worthington the Fourth.

Vlogmas Day 3 | Host Dr. Qui

Dr. Qui goes takes food and blankets to the homeless. She also answers today's question "How do you express your core values?"

Vlogmas Day 2 | Host: Dr. Qui

Dr. Qui introduces her family and answers the question "How did you get into Ministry?

My Five Senses Right Now

Sight: I'm currently in my office as I use voice to text to type this blog. What I see is my computer, video camera screen, supplies and the other things inside my office. I work inside my church. So I also have a few of the outside of the sanctuary and a little window that displays trees that line the street of Inglewood

Hearing: my church also has a school on campus. So I hear the sounds of kids playing and teachers teaching. We're also very close to a main street as I type this I hear the sounds of sirens. The police are quickly headed somewhere! This is pretty normal around here though.

Taste: I taste coffee. I have a cup of coffee every morning as I sit at my desk and listen to voicemails and return emails. Right now I taste the wonderous taste of coffee. I do consider caffeine a gift from God! LOL and I enjoyed regularly.

Smell: I smell the Glorious fragrance of freshly brewed coffee. I also smell the aroma of my air freshener. My office smells really good because I have air fresheners delivered every other week. I've gotten pretty spoiled with those. I had an amazing Cintas delivery guy, who was a real hottie LOL, who made sure I had a fresh-smelling office consistently. He was eventually promoted, no longer works with me. But when he left, he ensured that every delivery guy after him will continue to deliver my services and spoil me with fragrance.

Touch: I am currently touching my phone! LOL I am writing this as I sit in my office holding my phone as I use voice to text. It's also really cold and my hair is wet so I feel like a little wet puppy.

Pics of me and my babies making silly faces at Youth Church on Sunday.

Bonus Video:

The other day I did a blog about my greatest fears. As a result of that blog, I manifested one of my greatest fears. Here's a little video where I talk about what happened. I decided to also take this time to work on my video talking skills. All things get better with time, right? So here goes nothing! 

Here's a pic of the Butterfly chilling on  the wall in my office.

Blog Challenge
Day 6

10 Songs I Love Right Now

I have a very interesting playlist right now; especially being that I spend most of my travel time with an 11 year old. The other portions of my day are filled with hip-hop and gospel. I recently made a joke that I was where Proverbs 31 and Trap Music converged. No, I'm not 'bout that life (anymore). But here's what I am listening to right now:


1. Mi Gente - by Willy William &  J Balvin Featuring Beyouncé

2. Loyalty - Kendrick Lamar ft. Rihanna

3. Believer - Imagine Dragons

4. Unforgettable - French Montana ft. Swae Lee

5. No Problem - Chance The Rapper ft. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne

6. Logic - 1-800-273-8255 ft. Alessia Cara, Khalid

My Praise & Meditation Songs

7.  Spirit Break Out ft. Trinity Anderson  feat. 

8. He Turned It  - Tye Tribbett

9.  1 on 1 - Zacardi Cortez 

10. I Am Light - India.Arie 

31 Day Blog Challenge
Day 5

What am I afraid of?

So... I'll this in two parts. First my tangible real-world fears and the my intangible real life fears.
I am pretty much afraid of all bugs, snake and lizard like creatures. I don't like them. Don't want to see them. I dang'on sure will not touch them. I have had full on panic attacks in the presence of these creatures. I get their purpose and all... But I think life would be much better without them.

Then there's my intangible fears. Ironically, I have both fear of failure and a fear of success. Not sure how I develop the fear of failure. I think it's pretty common and natural for many of us and strive to do great things to have this fear of failure. My fear of success is rooted in the fear of failure. What happens once I'm successful? How do I maintain it? What if I become successful... Only to fail horribly publicly?
I have allowed these two fears to hold stagnant for way too long. Part of why I'm doing this 31 day blog challenge is to get myself out of the box and begin the process removing fears and making success a habit. Practice makes perfect right?
Little by little, I'm taking the steps to remove these two fears from my life. Those tangible fears up top can stay. I'm not tripping off of those! LOL
But this fear of failure and fear of success I've got to go. I've got things to do. And these two jokers are in my way!

I know it won't be easy. And I know it won't happen overnight. But change soon come!
Taking a break from my studies
 this evening to post selfies and blog!

Blog Challenge
Day 4

My Favorite Quote

I have a few favorite quotes, so it's hard to pick just one. Most of them are affirmations that I have used for years.
One is an affirmation I learned from my own Life Coach, Stephanie Alva, a few years back. It says:
I am worthy of love simply because I breathe.
For years I suffered from low self-esteem. As I began to heal myself, I realized that I wasn't living to my fullest potential partly because I didn't realize my own worth. I was allowing myself to stay in toxic relationships and situations because I didn't know my value.
It took a little work... or let's call it effort (work sounds super hard). But I finally got it! Not only am I worthy of love. I am worthy of love, peace, happiness, abundance and anything else my heart desires.
But let me clear. There is nothing so spectacular that makes me worthy of these great things. I'm here. I'm breathing. And it my mere presence that affirms my worth.
I am beautifully and wonderfully made, and I am worthy... Simply because I breathe.

Blog Challenge 
Day 3

20 Random Facts About Me

I used to play a game called "Random Facts About Me" on Facebook. I different times, I will sit down and randomly post facts about myself. It's been awhile since I've done that. But here are 20 Random Facts About Me as day 2 of my 31-day blogging challenge. Enjoy!
1. I'm allergic to peanuts and watermelon. 
2. I also have a weird citrus allergy that causes my face to swell like that screen in Hitch.
3. No matter how many times I watch that scene from Hitch, I always laugh hysterically.
4. I am currently writing my PhD.
5. I am the first woman to announce a calling to Ministry in the 65 year history of my church.
6. Oh yeah... I am a Minister.
7. I love crafting!
8. I starting sewing at the age of 13.
9. I often have insomnia.
10. I made all of these. 

11. I love discount shopping and thrifting. 
12. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream.
13. The only ice cream I like more is mint chocolate chip mixed with Oreo cookie birthday cake ice cream (A Baskin Robbins Specialty).
14. I love to travel.
15. My current dream vacay is the over water bungalows in Bora Bora.
16. My kids are my world. 
17. Sometimes I sleep at the foot of the bed.
18. I am currently reading 3 different books.
19. My favorite outfit is a t-shirt, jeans, and Chucks.
20. As a kid, I wanted to be a singer and a ballerina. Neither of those careers worked out. Lol

Blog Challenge 
Day 2

I’m not a blogger…

Just a chick with a Blog!

So, I have a Blog. I’ve had this blog for over a year now. But I haven’t used it much. I’ve decided to do a 7-day blogging challenge to get myself in the swing of things. I’m definitely not a blogger! But I do have things to say. So this is how I would introduce myself.

As I write this, I’m a mother of two who works with full-time job. I am a doctoral candidate at Grand Canyon University, where I’m getting my PhD in Psychology. I am also a certified life coach and a minister and a Baptist Church. I am an insomniac and a wild child at heart. You’ll see both of those come into play as we journey through the next 7 days. I also love to craft. I haven’t really decided what direction I will take this blog. But I hope that it will give you a glimpse into me. My life, my style, and how I do all that I do. 
Minister Quiana Hall of New Mount Pleasant MBC
I’m not a blogger. I’m a chick who will use a block to say the things that she’s needs to say. What should you expect? Well, definitely a lot of typos and misspelled words (LOL). There are also be a lot of shenanigans and Foolery. For the next 7 days, I will allow you to get to know me a little better and we’ll have lots of fun. I will display some of my craft and sewing projects and anything else I can think of. Hopefully you’ll see some of the things I make in the online store here as time goes on. 

That being said... Welcome to my world!

Blog Challenge
Day 1

Lessons from Gaga

While watching the beginning of Lady Gaga's Super Bowl Halftime Show, I found myself saying "If she jumps, I will scream!" Sure enough, she jumped! I watched as she leaped and flew through the sky with ease and grace. I watched as Gaga changed her wardrobe and her makeup seamlessly and with ease. Then I watched as she had her "drop the mic" moment and took one last jump.

I'm not a huge Gaga fan. But I was thoroughly impressed and entertained by her performance. Like many of us, my daughter and I sat waiting for Beyonce to appear. Then I reminded myself that she just dropped their baby announcement so that really wasn't a possibility. As, I sat watching her take jump, after jump, after jump, it suddenly hit me. Each jump was a leap of faith. 

We were watching as Gaga was living out her dreams fearlessly, both literally and figuratively.

How many times did Gaga have to "leap" in her career to get to where she is today? You see, you don't get to Gaga's level of success without stepping out on faith. There were probably times where she had to "leap".

I'm sure she wasn't always so fearless. I can recall seeing a video interview years ago where she discussed her unhappiness in the industry. She discussed her depression and wanting to quit the music industry. She also discussed a shift occurring in her life that ultimately lead to her finding her true voice. She learned the power of her own voice and the power of the word "NO". The shift that occurred in her life was the catalyst that catapulted her into a level of stardom many only dream of. 

What happened? She began living for herself. She allowed her faith in her vision to be greater than her fears. Each move she made allowed her to become stronger. Each fearless act, from meat dress to crazy video concept, was rooted in strengthening her faith and vision. Creating the fearless leaping Gaga we saw in Superbowl.

So, I ask you, what shifts need to take place in your life today? Are you stepping out on faith? Are you ready to that leap?

Want to see the video of Lady Gaga I was referring to? It's about an hour long. But definitely worth the time.